Davie/Cooper City Amateur Radio Club
a 501(c)(3) not for profit organizaiton
We are Radio Active
Here is a list of active links to other clubs, the ARRL, the FCC, ham stores and other information.
Clubs and Organizations
Ham Stores
Local Area Nets
Local Repeaters
146.910 110.9Hz Primary Ft. Lauderdale
146.610 110.9Hz Secondary Pompano
146.790 88.5Hz Tertiary Ft. Lauderdale
147.330 103.5Hz Florida Medical Center, Oakland PK
147.210 131.8Hz Westside Regional Medical Center
If power is out at the repeater sites you can also try listening to 146.520 simplex. This a good frequency for you to have in your radios just in case.
When the HF Hurricane watch net goes active it will be on 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz
Broward County Emergency Preparedness Net
Every Wednesday 7PM 146.910 110.9Hz Link
Broward County Emergency Communication Frequencies (BCEC)
Hurricane Web Sites
The US Power Grid
Here are a pair of articles about our power grid and their relation to solar storms.
The 1st is short, The 2nd is longer
Copyright ©2024 Davie/Cooper City Amateur Radio Club Inc.
a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization
an ARRL Affiliated Club
Our contact information is on the About page.
Ham call sign lookup sites
LocFi V1.42.11 Download, unzip, move to a folder of your choice
then run LocFi.exe
WB4EHG's Code
Disclaimer: None of my programs are guranteed to work for you. You assume all responsibility for using them, I'm nor responsible for anything bad that happens.
But, if you have problems you can email me here. Send program name, version number, screen captures and whatever details you have.
To use: download, unzip, move to a folder of your choice then run the .exe file
Your browser may warn you that it "can't be downloaded securely". I get a message too but you can select "Keep" and the file will download OK.
If you don't want to trust it you can get a copy from me at one of our events BUT you have to tell me so I bring the file.
RFI Exposure New Requirement May 2021
Ham Classes
Log Analyzer - States Download, unzip, move to a folder of your
choice then run ADIF Log Analyzer - States.exe
The documentation is in the .pdf file
Our Library
Here's a list of the books in our library
These are avaiable in Fred's new building
1234 Place holder for WB4EHG's use. Nothing to see here.
A note to everyone from our web master:
I will not link to any site not vetted by me.
Thanks to our screwed up world I have a "Trust no one" policy. Don't bother asking, I have no time or interest in vetting you. I will link to sites I find interesting. WB4EHG 2024-07-05
Contact FPL to Report Power Line Interference